Generally speaking, allergies cause an overreaction of the immune system to a certain substance and is considered one of the new “people’s diseases”.
There are a variety of allergies; Food allergy or intolerance, sun allergy, skin allergy, pollen allergy, allergy to certain chemical medications, dust allergy, etc.
These can have different effects: bronchial asthma, eczema, contact hives, hay fever, abdominal pain, dizziness, swallowing difficulties, fatigue, circulatory collapse or anaphylactic shock.
According to the German Federal Statistical Office, one in three Germans suffers from an allergy, whereas, on average, women are more frequently affected than men.
There are clear indications that the western lifestyle plays an important role in developing allergies: pollution, fast food, stress, globalization, all of this has an influence on our lives, which our organism needs to cope with.
Remedies such as antihistamin products are the most common solution in classical medicine but although they bring relief, they do not solve the problem!
The main focus has to be on finding the root cause of the problem. When the cause of an allergy is identified, the problem can then be treated at its root and the healing prognosis is accordingly very high.
Do not hesite to call me to find out more about it (0157 54 74 55 94).